Promoting access to fundamental rights for Roma migrants in France
[*History*]The Romeurope National Human Rights Collective was established in October 2000 as a result of the symposium « Roma, Sinti, Kale, and Gypsies in Europe: Promotion of health and rights for a minority in distress » which presented alarming results arising from action research into health promotion carried out at the instigation of Doctors of the World by the Romeurope network in six countries of the EU, including France.
This work led to the conclusion that there were crucial links between respect for fundamental rights and the serious health problems encountered amongst Roma people. The organisations attending this initiative decided to establish the collective with the specific aim of acting on this issue since all, in respect of their own field of expertise, be this humanitarian or the defence of rights, were already committed to Roma migrants living in France.
[*Our Objective*]The main objective of the Romeurope National Human Rights Collective is to promote respect for the fundamental rights of Roma migrants in France and recognition of their rights before the law. With this in view, its aim is to combat all forms of discrimination and the particular form of racism which these people are victims in a migration context in France.
[*Our Activities*]The Romeurope National Human Rights Collective is:
– [* An observatory on the respect of fundamental rights for Eastern European Roma in France*]:
– In particular, it publishes an annual report, distributed in France and in Europe, on the situation of Eastern European Roma in France.
– It has developed mechanisms to monitor the law development at EU and national level in the sector.
– It capitalises locally experienced situations which form the basis of the actions of the national collective: public meetings, press releases, advocacy actions (as : complaints, open letters, etc.).
– [*A platform for the exchange and sharing of experiences*] among citizens and associations involved in supporting and defending the rights of Roma people. It allows exchange of experience, sharing of skills, and development of tools over a range of matters: residency, health, work, schooling, housing, etc. The Romeurope National Human Rights Collective mobilizes the skills which, from within its network or from outside, may offer help according to the situation.
– [*A campaigning structure whose intention is to challenge*] political and institutional leaders at national and European levels about any lack of respect for the rights of the Roma migrants and to lead the fight in defence of human rights.
The Composition of Romeurope National Human Rights Collective
The Romeurope National Human Rights Collective brings together informally several French organisations at national and local level as well as local committees in the different regions of France acting in the following sectors: humanitarian, health, social welfare, human rights defence.
The Collective often works in partnership with a variety of European organisations (Eg. ERRC, ERIO, ENAR).
The Romeurope National Human Rights Collective enjoys the support of:
The Regional Council of Ile de France, the ACSE, the Fondation Abbé Pierre, the Secours Catholique
[*The Members of the Romeurope National Human Rights Collective*]ABCR (Association Biterroise Contre le Racisme) – ALPIL (Action pour l’insertion sociale par le logement) – AMPIL (Action Méditerranéenne Pour l’Insertion sociale par le Logement) – ASAV(Association pour l’accueil des voyageurs) –ASEFRR(Association de Solidarité en Essonne avec les familles roumaines et rroms) – Association Solidarité Roms de Saint-Etienne – CAM (Comité d’Aide Médicale) – CCFD-Terre solidaire – La CIMADE (Comité intermouvements auprès des évacués) – CLASSES (Collectif Lyonnais pour l’Accès à la Scolarisation et le Soutien des Enfants des Squat) –FNASAT-Gens du voyage – Hors la Rue – Imediat – LDH (Ligue des Droits de l’Homme) – Lien Tsigane – MDM (Médecins du Monde) –Mouvement catholique des gens du voyage – MRAP (Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples) – ROMAQUITAINE – Rencontres tsiganes –RomActions– Romeurope Val-de-Marne – Secours catholique (Caritas France) – SICHEM (Service de Coopération Humanitaire pour les Etrangers et les Migrants) – Une famille un toit 44 – URAVIF (Union régionale des associations pour la promotion et la reconnaissance des droits des Tsiganes et des Gens du voyage d’Ile-de-France).
Et le Comité de soutien de Montreuil, le Comité de soutien de Limeil/Brevannes, le Comité de soutien 92 sud, le Collectif nantais Romeurope, le Collectif de soutien aux familles rroms de Roumanie, le Collectif Rrom des associations de l’agglomération lyonnaise, le Collectif Romyvelines, le Collectif de soutien aux familles roms de l’agglomération orléanaise, le Collectif des sans-papiers de Melun, le Collectif solidarité Roms et Gens du voyage du Nord. (Mai 2011)
[*To get involved with our activities, you can*]:– Join the volunteers on a local committee or association.
– Build up a local committee
– Make a donation to the Romeurope National Human Rights Collective